Sunday, May 9, 2010

Movies Movies Movies - Holidays

My daughter ask me out on a date for the non other than the super crazy fantastic IRON MAN 2...... next sat. I have heard reviews about this top on the movie chart.... damn I mean DAMN GOOD. She is watching it for the second time..... this time with me. I used to be a keen movie or cinema goer.... (those days)... now, it's like she has to literally begged me... down on her knees to get me to one.

It's not that I'm not keen... just that dont have the 'kick' anymore. I would prefer to watch movies.... in the comfort of my own home, own space & chose my own time to watch them. But then again it may not be as convincing with all the high tech sound effect that cinemas have. Still my heart is not too eager to accept her invitation just yet. I have become like my dad...... see first lah..... too early to confirm lah....

Is it laziness that sets in? at my old age? haha..... but then again thinking of the queues.... thinking about the huge shopping crowd, which lays me off most of the time (that's why I dont frequent malls) & the traffic..... am I wanting the lay back life? In a way, probably yes.... I'm looking for slower momentum.... trying to take a step back, trying to slow down my pace (I walk to fast my sis use to say).. if she were to mentioned lets go for a holiday, I would be the first one to raise my hands! Not that I dont fancy going out with my girl.... but movies? (though it is also a good way to relieve stress)....

So, she will hv to wait till probably Friday before I could give her an answer......

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Hi there..... last nite (7th Nov 2009) was superb! All of us so gank ho, making the loudest noise by 4-star hotel standard. Well... we cant simply keep things to ourselves. Every heads turned as one by one they came walking in - each eager to see how the other looks like afterall this is the first time some of us are meeting one another 28 years later. A BIG NOISY REUNION! who cares how much noise we made last nite. No one came knocking to tell us - please quiet down or turn down the volume.

Our sudden outburst laughter does catch attention, after all we are big beautiful girls! Who can resisted not looking at us? or glancing at our direction with each interval of laughter? We drown the football game that was playing on big screen up at the front of Citi Cafe in Cititel Mid Valley. There was 14 of us with our former teachers, Mrs Teh & Mrs Hanif Loke. How young the both of them still looked. Needless to say, most of us do not looked a bit over 40. Good genes? Possible!

It was a plesant nite. All of us enjoyed ourselves besides the good plenty of food on the table. Chit chatting & tucking away the food. Fond good memories of primary & secondary years. Some of us cant really recalled events that happened but still it was the get together that creates the FRANCE. Nora, I thanked you for reminding me what this means - Friendship Remains And Never Can End. Luv u all.....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What Life is all about - HAPPY

Hello there! We talked about the happenings in our past.... the sad, bad & some happy moments. I strongly feels that it's the hardest & saddest part of our lives that makes us stronger for the future for whatever that will comes our way. It helps to mould us in a way that we will be able to tackle unpredictable future.

I meet up with two close friends of mine.... how their lives evolves into a happy one through all the hardships they went through to be together. I was so happy to meet up with them & cried a little, hearing stories. It touched my heart in a way that I cant explained cause I too, have gone through that stage in my life in a different way. It's boils down to how tough one can be when face with adversities in life no matter what it is or how it may slapped us in our face.

Being happy is one answer to all that surround us. How happy can one be? No one can be 100% happy..... that's for sure. But we make use of what we think is happy to be happy. I'm happy when I go cycling at full speed with the wind hitting against my face. I love that! I'm happy when I achieved results in whatever I'm doing. I'm happy when I know no one in my group can beat my bejewel blitz score.........haha.

It's how one expresses their own happiness.... Each one of us is different, each one has a unique gift to give happiness to another. I choose to do that & asking for nothing in return. I love to see someone else feels happy, be happy. I'm glad though yesterday nite, there might have been some teary eyes hearing sad stories. I know for sure this couple friends of mine is happy.....

Sunday, September 27, 2009

28 Years

Yesterday, 26th Sept 2009 finally made it to meet up with one of my closest schoolmates for the first time in 28 years! How far apart we have been after we all went our separate ways. That was back in 1981. Remembering the good old school years was the most fun & exciting part. Looking back at our school / class photos was hilarious! How much all of us has changed. From sweet young thing to being women, wives, mothers. The 28 years apart didnt keep us apart with nothing to say. We had plenty to talk about. The past & the current. Trying hard to remember who is who, 'I know this girl.... what's her name?' 'wonder where are they now?' ' What are they doing, how many kids & etc.....?'

Most of them, we believe are working & staying around KL or PJ... just a matter of time to find them all. Through our daily usage of the facebook, it has helped us to look for a couple of long lost friends! It doesn't really matter where they are, whether residing overseas or locally, we managed to get in touch with some of our schoolmates. We have vowed to keep in touch, meeting regularly from now on. The best years of our friendship cannot be erased with a swift of a wand... it cannot be replace either. Though our memories are fading away day by day, there are still a couple of them left that will always be closed to our hearts! Thank you my friends..

Monday, September 21, 2009

Visualing Family Tree

What did I do today?.... Plenty actually! Woke up late .... monday (sorry it's almost tuesday morning by the time I finished this & post it on. The first thing was switched on the computer... FACEBOOK suddenly became one of my important on my daily list. Can never go without checking in on what's new, what's happening, new photos, friends request & etc. Most importantly... I love FARMVILLE.... going crazy just checking to make sure my plantation is okay! Never I have been so hardworking in my life....hehe. Besides getting in touch with friends & long lost friendships..... It works wonders!

Breakfast with mum at Yew Seng coffee shop in Kepong Baru. Think the curry chee cheong fun was not fresh (I love it but not today, didnt finished it). Had upset tummy since then till now! Bloated feelings........ arrhhhh....

Then off to visit my aunties & cousins in Gita Bayu, Serdang. A pleasant drive with most of the muslim folks balik kampung, the road is acceptionally smooth though there are still plenty of drivers out there. This time managed to catch up a lot with my cousins. Usually, during each visit (which happens only when I have the mood to bring my mum there) my cousins hardly have the time to chit chat. It's like pack & go (wherever they are going) or catching up on their sleep till late noon. But this trip was good. We never talked so much before.

And it makes me realised that no matter how distant we stay away from each other, one must keep that family closeness within. There aren't plenty of Lau/Low relatives around... & it did makes me want to do up the Lau/Low family tree. Why I put in Lau/Low....well, all my aunts & uncle surname begins with Low. Dad's name somehow was registered as Lau with an alias Low. So coming down to my generation, me & my siblings surname gone on to Lau. So I will start the family tree begining with myself & goes from there making the way up. Starting tomorrow!